Saturday, November 10, 2012

Xia Dynasty: Did Xia Dynasty ever exist?

Xia Dynasty 2200-1600 B.C. lasted for 500 years, founded by legendary Yu the Great (大禹). This legendary kingdom was built within Shanxi province. Before Yu was an emperor, he worked in Henan province for Yao & Shun (帝 & 帝) emperors. They were all the descendants of Huang Emperor. 

Pre Xia Dynasty based on 3 legends

1. Legend of Huang Emperor - Father of Han Chinese

About 5,000 years ago, in Henan province which lies along Huang river, was seen many tribes mushroomed in that area. Of which, Hua Xia (华夏)
 and Miao tribes were the most powerful.

Hua Xia had a tribal leader called Huang Di (
黄帝), who is exceptionally creative and capable.  Having invented boat and vehicle, dwelling houses, & costumes etc. , he also defeated the barbarian Miao tribal leader Chi You (蚩尤) to the South due to land dispute with the Hua Xia tribes.  Since then, he was elected as the "Emperor" - the leader among other alliance tribal leaders.  Huang Di - considered as the first Han ethnic emperor. Han Chinese often referred themselves as the descendant of Yan & Huang Emperors, or merely Huang Emperor (炎黄子孙 or 黄帝子孙). 

Based on another legend, you will find story about Huang and Yan were the earliest emperors and later fought in a war where Yan Emperor was killed and leaving Huang the only emperor.

2. Legend of Yu and Gun (father and son) - Stopping the flood
Yu the Great was handpicked by Yao emperor (
帝) to become his successor due to his contribution to the tribes in Henan province, where the area was devastated by flood from Huang river. Yu actually continued his father's work, Gun (鯀) who was ordered by Yao to stop the flood but failed and later executed by Yao. 

3. Legend of Yao & Shun - Sage power transition & Rise of Xia
During Yao as the emperor, he had Shun as his assistant. Because Shun's diligence and capabilities, Yao offered his throne to Shun.  Due to Yu's massive contributions (stopping the flood and retreating ShanMiao tribe), Yao instructed Shun Emperor to offer his throne to Yu.  Yao, Shun and Yu are the descendants of Huang Emperor from separate bloodline.  In fact Yu is the uncle of Shun. This tradition of sage power transition (禅让制) 
only lasted until Xia Dynasty - when Yu the Great passed his throne to Bo Yi (伯益) - the son of Gao Yao (皋陶), but later killed by Yu's son Qi (启) where Xia Dynasty marks the end of sage power transition tradition and overtook by the first family control power transition (世袭制) until modern day. 

Fall of Xia Dynasty
The fall of the Xia is blamed on its last king, Jie (桀), who is corrupt and a tyrant as recorded in the Bamboo Annals (竹书纪年).  The people rose up in rebellion under the leadership of Cheng Tang (成汤), and defeated King Jie of Xia in the Battle of Ming Tiao (鸣条之战).  Tang founded Shang Dynasty.

Although there were no archaeological excavation found for Xia Dynasty's artefact, while the Records of the Grand Historians written by ShiMaQian, 《史记》(Shiji) only closely matches the text recorded by ancient text character on Oracle bones for Shang Dynasty; there are too much discrepancies among all historian records about Xia Dynasty.  Xia Dynasty is somehow not considered the first dynasty officially, but a legend or myth instead.

Yin Dynasty of late Shang: Missing troop of General Xi of Duke You (攸侯喜将军) in Battle of Muye (牧野之戰)

During 1045 B.C., King Wu of Zhou (周武王) invaded King Zhou of Shang (商纣王) in the Battle of Muye, King Zhou of Shang switched the troop battling in ShanDong return for help.  Before the troop led by General Xi of Duke You (攸侯喜将军) arrived, 
King Zhou of Shang was already killed.  Due to the troop unwilling to be held captive and serve under the new king, they migrated in the East direction by mean of sailing.  Since then, there was no news about the missing troop.

Please locate the where-about of the troop.

公元前1045年,武王伐纣。在“牧野之战” 即将开始之前,商纣王曾紧急调拨远在山东作战的将军攸侯喜率部回来增援,由于路途遥远,没等攸侯喜大军回返都城,商纣王已经自焚归西。攸侯喜所率的十多二十多万商朝军队不愿归顺周武王,所以他们便夺海东渡,此后便杳无音信了。


Replies to above quest

This remains a quest by many scholars. Many have pointed out that, the missing troop with estimated 100-250 thousands men had sailed across Pacific Ocean to North America.  This incident named as "Migration of Yin people to East" 
(殷人东渡) debate was started ever since Maya culture was directly compared to Yin culture of the late Shang period.


By judging from the Red Indian's gene, the "Cannon Burning Punishment" (炮烙之刑) invented by Da Ji (妲己), and the Gluttony mark on the Tripod Cauldron; they are recorded as Red Indian's culture in a novel called "The Count of Monte Cristo"《基督山恩仇记》. Therefore, Red Indian ancestry is linked to Shang's last survivors.   see Gluttony mark of the cauldron [2]

The missing of the legendary Nine Tripod Cauldron created by Yu the Great were actually well kept by Shang kings.  Since it is only reasonable for them to flee China by sailing due East after their King Zhou of Shang (商纣王) was killed, the other Shang kings and Nine Tripod Cauldron could only had settled in Mexico or North America.  [3]

Another point worth mentioning is, the Red Indian traditional song named as "Song of Xi of Duke You" recorded how General Xi led a troop of few hundreds thousand men away from China to North America despite a painful and dangerous journey.  The character "舟" literally means "boat" or "sail" in Chinese, is carved more than 20 times on the ceramic artefact unearthed from the Western coast of Mexico which marks the Rendezvous of 25 groups of Yin people

美洲印第安人流传着《侯喜王歌》。歌中记叙了侯喜率领二十五族历尽万难终于抵达美洲的事迹。甲骨文“舟”字是一段剖开的竹子。原产中国的涕竹在本土失踪,却在美洲生长至今。墨西哥西海岸出土的距今3000多年的陶器上,刻有二十多个“舟”字,即二十五族会师时留下的盟书。25万人集体远走他乡,绝非易事。他们出发前应当有一定的计划,航行中有可以想像的困难。但是,他们来到了中美洲,在这里会盟。如果会盟是事实,那么对于目的地是明确的。“舟”字表达了他们对劫后余生的感恩,就和许多民族对葫芦--昆仑的感情相似 [4]

Friday, November 9, 2012

Pre-Qin dynastry: Spring & Autumn period

百家争鸣 - literally means Hundred Schools of Thought. Used to refer to knowledge and philosophy founded or exist before pre-Ching dynasty. However, now refers to those started at Autumn-Spring to Pre-Han dynasty. Considered as the Golden period of Chinese academy and philosophy. A saying goes: 诸子蜂起, 百家争鸣

诸子 - is the head figure or master of the school.

As a result of continuation of prosperity from previous Zhou dynasty, Dong Zhou dukes and princes flourished again almost in entire ancient China. They were given land and power of self governance over the area they control or conquer under the ruling called [封建制度]. This is the time when many duke states gave birth to numerous schools of thought. The four most famous / classical being School of Confucius (
家), School of Daoism (家), School of Mohism () and School of Law (家).

中国春秋战国时学术流派的代表人物和著作。《汉书·艺文志》著录有儒、道、阴阳、法、名、墨、纵横、农、杂、小说等10家 。其中最有代表性的是儒(以孔子 、孟子为代表)、墨(以墨子为代表 )、道( 以老子、庄子为代表 ) 、法(以韩非子为代表)4家 。 代表他们政治和学术观点的著作分别是《论语》、《墨子》、《老子》、《庄子》、《列子》、《韩非子》等。[1]

Pre-Qin dynasty: Warring period

Qin emperor conquered six other warring states and united the rest of China in less than 15 years.

Out of seven warring states, Qin is deemed as the least advanced after defeated by Jin (晋) state during Spring-Autumn period due to its failing  attempt to conquer the midfield region.  It only remained as the leader of minority tribes in the West until Warring period, when a noble of Wey (卫) called Shang Yang (商鞅/卫鞅), who took office in Wei (魏) state for 公叔痤, was employed by Duke Xiao of Qin (秦孝公) to reform the country towards the late Warring period. 


Shang Yang (商鞅/卫鞅) was a student of School of Law and later became the figure head of the school after successfully reformed the state of Qin based on disciplinary and uniformity.   At first he demonstrated a way called "moving the wooden pole to install public confidence" <移木立信> in its people which later became a Chinese Idiom story widely told.


Qin reformed in to the most powerful warring state with Shang Yang's help and won against other warring states and finally united the rest of China.

Qin dynasty: The fall of Qin




成功说服胡亥后,赵高指出计划要想成功必须得到丞相李斯的同意,并向胡亥推荐自己亲自前去说服李斯。赵高对李斯说:“皇帝驾崩,遗诏未送出,没人知道这件事,皇帝赐给扶苏的诏书和符玺都在胡亥手里,立谁为太子只在于你我的一句话而已,你看这件事该怎么办?”李斯说:“你怎么能说出这种亡国的话呢?这不是你我做为人臣应当议论的事!”赵高说:“您和蒙恬相比,谁更有本事?谁的功劳更高?谁的谋略深远不失误?天下百姓更拥戴谁?与长子扶苏的关系谁更好?”李斯说:“在这五个方面我都不如蒙恬,但您为什么这样苛求于我呢?”赵高说:“我在秦宫管事二十多年,还未曾见过被罢免的丞相功臣有封爵能传给下一代的,结果都是以被杀而告终。皇帝有二十多个儿子,长子扶苏刚毅而且勇武,即位之后一定要用蒙恬担任丞相,您最终也是不能怀揣着通侯之印告老还乡了。我受皇帝之命教育胡亥,教他学习法律已经有好几年,还没见过他有什么过失。他慈悲仁爱、诚实厚道、轻视钱财、尊重士人、心里聪明但不善言辞、竭尽礼节尊重贤士。在秦始皇的儿子中,没人能赶得上他,可以立为继承人,您考虑一下再决定。”李斯说:“我李斯只执行皇帝的遗诏,自己的命运听从上天的安排,有什么可考虑决定的呢?”赵高说:“看似平安却可能是危险的,危险又可能是平安的。在安危面前不早做决定,又怎么能算是圣明的人呢?”李斯说:“我李斯本是上蔡(今河南省上蔡县西)街巷里的平民百姓,承蒙皇帝提拔,让我担任丞相,封为通侯,子孙都能得到尊贵的地位和优厚的待遇,所以皇帝才把国家安危存亡的重任交给了我,我又怎么能辜负了他的重托呢?忠臣不因怕死而苟且从事,孝子不因过分操劳而损害健康,做臣子的各守各的职分而已。请您不要再说了,不要让我李斯也跟着犯罪。”赵高说:“我听说圣人并不循规蹈矩,而是适应变化、顺应潮流,看到苗头就能预知根本,看到动向就能预知归宿,事物的发展规律本来就是如此,哪里有什么一成不变的道理呢?现如今天下的权力和命运都掌握在胡亥手里,我赵高能猜出他的心志。更何况从外部来制服内部就是逆乱,从下面来制服上面就是反叛。所以秋霜一降花草随之凋落,冰消雪化万物随之重生,这是自然界的必然规律,您怎么连这些都没看到呢?”李斯说:“我听说晋献公更换太子,晋国三代不得安宁;齐桓公兄弟争夺君位,哥哥公子纠被杀死;商纣王杀死比干,又不听从箕子、微子的劝谏,都城夷为废墟,随着危及社稷。这三件事都违背天意,所以才落得宗庙没人祭祀。我李斯怎么能参与这种阴谋呢?”赵高说:“上下齐心协力,事业可以长久;内外配合如一,就不会有什么差错。您听从我的计策,就会长保封侯,并永世相传,一定有仙人王子乔、赤松子那样的长寿,孔子、墨子那样的智慧。现在放弃这个机会而不听从我的意见,一定会祸及子孙,足以令人心寒。善于为人处世,相机而动的人是能够转祸为福的,您想想该怎么办吧。”李斯仰天长叹,挥泪叹息道:“唉呀!偏偏遭逢乱世,既然已经不能以死尽忠了,何处将寄托我的命运呢?”在赵高的威逼利诱下,李斯赞同了赵高和胡亥的计划。赵高回报胡亥说:“我是奉太子您的命令去通知丞相李斯的,他怎么敢不服从命令呢?” [6]
